Fincastle Comprehensive Plan 2021 ADOPTED JULY 8, 2021

The Comprehensive Plan is the Town's official policy guide for future development-related decisions. It is general and long-range in nature and provides a picture of how the community wishes to "look like' in the future.

The Code of Virginia requires that each local government's Planning Commission prepare and recommend to the governing body a Comprehensive Plan. In this case, the governing body is the Fincastle Town Council. The Plan acts as a general, long-range guide concerning the overall growth and development of the town and areas in close proximity. State Code requires that the Planning Commission review this document every five years to determine what revisions or updates, if any, are necessary.

In the last five years, the Town has experienced some significant changes. One of the biggest changes was the expansion of the Town's boundaries. In May of 2018, the town expanded its boundaries for the first time since being incorporated in 1772. Growth both commercial and residential has occurred near the town limits, some of which has required town services such as water and sewer. As the Town continues to change and evolve, the Planning Commission and Town Council work with citizens to determine what type of changes the community would like to see.

The Town invited all of its citizens to participate in a community survey in 2019. With the assistance of Dr. Diane Zahm and students from Virginia Tech's Urban Affairs and Planning Department, the information was compiled and studied by the Planning Commission. The Commission used input from the surveys to develop strategies and goals for the Town.


P.O. Box 250
Fincastle, VA 24090


TOWN OFFICE (540) 473-2200

COURTHOUSE (540) 473-8220

VISIT US: Our office is open Monday- Thursday 8am-5pm and Friday 1pm-5pm